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- A. W. Pink Collection
Sixteen volumes by Arthur Walkington Pink.
$9.99Add To Cart - All That Is in God
Increasing numbers of conservative evangelicals are denying basic tenets of Christian teaching about God. This book provides an exposition of the historic Christian position while engaging with these contemporary deviations.
$9.99Add To Cart - America's Founding Documents
A collection of about 59 historical documents covering the colonization, founding, and early political thought of the United States of America.
$19.99Add To Cart - Andrew Murray Collection
Featuring twenty-one titles from 19th century South African pastor Andrew Murray.
$9.99Add To Cart - Bible Book by Book
The Bible Book by Book provides a fresh overview of every book of the Bible.
$7.99Add To Cart - Biblical Theology: The God of the Christian Scriptures
John Goldingay takes the New Testament as a portal into the complete canon of Scripture. Without searching out an overarching unity, he allows Scripture's diversity and tensions to remain, letting Scripture speak to us in its own voice. This landmark biblical theology is hermeneutically dexterous, biblically expansive, and nourishing to mind, soul and proclamation.
$39.99Add To Cart - Book of Common Prayer (1979)
The 1979 Edition of the Book of Common Prayer according to the use of the Episcopal Church
$4.99Add To Cart - Church Dogmatics: A Selection with Introduction
A carefully curated selection of the most important passages from Karl Barth's 14-volume Church Dogmatics to help the busy student explore this great work.
$11.99Add To Cart - Community Houses of Prayer Ministry Manual
Community House of Prayer (CHOP) is a ministry tool that directs prayer as a means to revive our hearts, to involve us as witnesses for Jesus Christ, and to cultivate in us a greater awareness of the evangelistic nature of ordinary life.
$7.99Add To Cart - Concise Bible Characters
A collection of more than 150 stories of the people of the Bible, including not just named individuals but unnamed characters in Jesus parables and prophecy.
$7.99Add To Cart - Concise Introduction to the Bible
Concise Introduction to the Bible brings the Bible to life, not only by recounting the events of biblical history, but also by making biblical history relevant for the readers of the twenty-first century.
$14.99Add To Cart - Concise Theology: A Guide to Historic Christian Beliefs
J.I. Packer covers the essentials of theology in a style and length that busy readers can appreciate.
$9.99Add To Cart - Crazy Love: Overwhelmed By A Relentless God
Revised and updated edition of Francis Chan's best-selling book. Includes new preface and bonus chapter.
$9.99Add To Cart - Creeds and Confessions
A selection of historic Christian creeds and confessions from The Nicene Creed (AD 325) to The New Hampshire Confession (1833).
$7.99Add To Cart - Defending First-Century Faith
The problems that faced the early church have continued to rear their heads in new guises and we can learn much from the sensitive way the apostles tackled them. They adapted their approach, but never watered down their message.
$7.99Add To Cart - Discovering God's Way
Over 100 short studies with practical encouragement for following Jesus.
$7.99Add To Cart - Discovering the Message of the Bible
Brings together two important works by H.L. Ellison and F.F. Bruce. Ellison provides a primer to the understanding of the Old Testament as a whole; Bruce presents the central message of the New Testament.
$9.99Add To Cart - Dispensationalism
In this treatise, Chafer shows the reasonableness and scriptural basis of Dispensationalism.
$7.99Add To Cart - Erasing Hell: What God Said About Eternity, and the Things We Made Up
In this groundbreaking new book, Francis Chan and Preston Sprinkle take on the topic of hell and our eternal destiny, with a sense of humility and a deep respect for the inspired Word of God.
$9.99Add To Cart - Essential Truths of Christianity
Explore the Essential Truths of Christianity in 60 short studies. Learn what the Bible teaches about God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit salvation and more!
$7.99Add To Cart - Everything You Want to Know about Jesus
An engaging, readable and sometimes even humorous look at the life of Jesus; a great eye-opener for someone who's new to Jesus or for anyone who wants a fresh look.
$14.99Add To Cart - Everything You Want to Know about the Bible
This is a book about the Bible, but not just another book about the Bible! Written in an engaging style with humor, anecdotes, and stories, this book tells you everything you want to know about the Bible...well, not really everything but enough to get you started.
$12.99Add To Cart - Exploring Mind and Heart of Prince of Preachers
Exploring the Mind and Heart of the Prince of Preachers is a compendium of over 5,000 illustrations and anecdotes sorted under more than 1,000 topical headings drawn from the sermons and writings of the most prolific Christian writer of all time.
$9.99Add To Cart - F. B. Meyer Collection
Twenty volumes by Frederick Brotherton Meyer.
$9.99Add To Cart - Find It Fast In The Bible
Find it Fast in the Bible is the ultimate A to Z resource for quickly finding familiar phrases from the Bible.
$19.99Add To Cart - Forgotten God: Reversing Our Tragic Neglect Of The Holy Spirit
Why do we try to live as if the Holy Spirit isn't real? Are we afraid of truly being led by the Spirit, and all the implications therein? Pastor Francis Chan invites us to change all that and to embrace a Spirit-led life.
$9.99Add To Cart - God With Us
A clear and practical introduction to classical Christology, God with Us, explores the historic, orthodox understanding of the person called Emmanuel, or "God with us".
$6.99Add To Cart - Grace
The supreme feature of the Christian faith is that supernatural, saving, transforming work of God, which is made possible through the infinite sacrifice of Christ and which, in sovereign grace, is freely bestowed on all who believe.
$7.99Add To Cart - Great Revival Sermons
75 classic sermons covering over 1500 years of Christian history; from AD 357 to 1904. Basil, Augustine, Luther, Calvin, Edwards, Spurgeon, Moody, and more.
$14.99Add To Cart - Handbook of Bible Prayers
Prayer is about conversation with God and is not reserved for a "religious" setting. The Bible tells us what prayer is and isn't. And it gives us examples of ordinary people who learned how to become friends with God and how to share every part of their lives with him in prayer.
$14.99Add To Cart - Handbook of Bible Promises
The Handbook of Bible Promises has been designed as a handbook of practical Christian living. In it, the authors choose promises from the Bible and show how they work out in practice so they can become a part of your life.
$14.99Add To Cart - Harmony Bible (KJV)
A unique arrangement of the Bible that allows you to "Read the Bible Like a Book". The King James Version Bible text is presented in chronological order with duplicate accounts of the same events removed.
$9.99Add To Cart - Harmony Bible (WEB)
A unique arrangement of the Bible that allows you to "Read the Bible Like a Book". The modern-language World English Bible text is presented in chronological order with duplicate accounts of the same events removed.
$9.99Add To Cart - He That is Spiritual
The Apostle Paul separates people into three groups: natural, carnal, and spiritual. The "spiritual" is the divine ideal in life and ministry. To discover these realities and the revealed conditions upon which all may be realized is the purpose of this book.
$7.99Add To Cart - Hidden in Christ: Living as God's Beloved
A 30-day immersion in the first 17 verses of Colossians 3 and the hidden life in Christ.
$9.99Add To Cart - Holman Bible Atlas
Winner of the ECPA Gold Medallion Book Award, this popular atlas uses 132 full-color maps, more than 100 color photographs, timelines, chart summaries, and helpful articles to give readers the geographical, historical, and cultural context of the Bible.
$39.99Add To Cart - Holman Illustrated Bible Handbook
Packed with full-color maps, photographs, reconstructions, and charts, this accessible reference offers an explanation of "How to Read and Study the Bible," plus a thorough overview of Scripture's 66 books with links for further study online.
$17.99Add To Cart - Holman Illustrated Guide to Biblical Geography
Explore the landscape in which God chose to reveal his story to the peoples of the earth! This book offers an overview of the geography of the Bible in more than 50 maps and 200 images.
$24.99Add To Cart - I Never Knew That Was In The Bible
I Never Knew that was in the Bible is the ultimate A-to-Z Resource to common expressions and curious words from the Bible.
$19.99Add To Cart - In Retrospect
An intimate portrait of the life and times of one of the evangelical world's most beloved biblical scholars. In it, we see a memorable picture of Bruce's childhood in northern Scotland, his academic training at Aberdeen, Cambridge, and Vienna, and his career.
$6.99Add To Cart - Israel and the Nations: The History of Israel from the Exodus to the Fall of the Second Temple
In recounting Israel's story from the Exodus to the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans, F.F. Bruce reveals the historical context of the nation of Israel in a way that reads more like a novel than an academic text. In doing so, he makes the Bible come alive.
$9.99Add To Cart - Knowing Jesus
24 studies on Jesus and who He is: His unique identity, radical teaching, powerful encounters and perfect salvation.
$7.99Add To Cart - Laridian Book of Classic Hymns
The Laridian Book of Classic Hymns is a collection of lyrics from over 2000 public domain hymns, including author and date written (when known) as well as referenced or related Scripture verses for each hymn.
$12.99Add To Cart - Living the Christian Life
Fifty-four short studies on Living the Christian Life
$7.99Add To Cart - Lost World of Adam and Eve
Who were the historical Adam and Eve? Have we been reading Genesis and its claims regarding material origins in the wrong way? Walton explores the ancient context of Genesis 2–3, creating space for a faithful reading of Scripture along with full engagement with science for a new way forward in the human origins debate.
$19.99Add To Cart - Lost World of Genesis One
Twenty propositions supporting a literary and theological understanding of Genesis 1 within the context of the ancient Near Eastern world are described and defended. Walton's analysis unpacks seldom appreciated aspects of the biblical text and sets Bible-believing scientists free to investigate the question of origins.
$19.99Add To Cart - Lost World of Scripture
A detailed look at the origins of scriptural authority in ancient oral cultures and how they inform our understanding today. From the reasons why specific words were used to convey certain ideas to how oral tradition impacted the transmission of biblical texts, the authors uncover how these issues might affect our current doctrine on the authority of Scripture.
$29.99Add To Cart - Lost World of the Flood
Our quest to rediscover the biblical flood requires that we set aside our own cultural and interpretive assumptions and visit the distant world of the ancient Near East. Responsible interpretation calls for the patient examination of the text within its ancient context of language, literature, and thought.
$19.99Add To Cart - Lost World of the Israelite Conquest
"Holy warfare" is the festering wound on the conscience of Bible-believing Christians. This book attempts to recalibrate our perception and reframe our questions. While not providing all the answers, it offers surprising new insights and clears the ground for further understanding.
$19.99Add To Cart - Lost World of the Prophets
We often study prophecy with a focus on prediction and fulfillment. This was not always its original intent. We need to shake loose from reading prophecy as mysterious divination as well as from using it to construct eschatological timelines. So how are these books meaningful for us today?
$19.99Add To Cart
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