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PocketBible® Software for Windows Phone

PocketBible for Windows Phone gives you convenient access to your favorite Bibles, reference books, devotionals and more--all offline!

PocketBible for Windows Phone is available FREE at the Windows Phone Store and includes 41 classic Bibles and reference titles to get you started studying the Bible on your Windows Phone!

PocketBible Bookstore for Windows Phone

PocketBible for Windows Phone is required to view books on your Windows Phone.

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What Our Customers Are Saying...

“I just downloaded PocketBible for Android after becoming increasingly frustrated with YouVersion. When I upgraded my phone I lost my offline version of the NIV, which is an issue when I am traveling in places where there is no internet connection. So I'm back and even your beta version knocks the socks of their version.” — Mark H

“PocketBible has transformed my iPhone into the most valuable, transportable Bible resource imaginable - a huge blessing.” — Paul B

“The value of the books available from Laridian is great compared to some other options out there. The software integrates the books together beautifully. The website is easy to navigate, and the checkout process is quick and easy.” — Rob A

“The Autostudy feature is incredible. The annual subscription based add-on is worth every penny. I can enter a verse or word and it then creates a complete study which is entirely tailorable to which Bibles and reference books I want included.” — Grant C

“Your products are way more affordable than the leading competitors. I just want to delve more into the scriptures, and your company allows me to do so.” — Ian W

“So easy to read different versions of the Bible as well as daily devotionals and so much more.” — Jeremy B

“I often chose which phone to buy based on whether or not it could run PocketBible.” — Scott H

“PocketBible is truly one of the most user-friendly Bible apps I've used.” — Patrick T

“I started with PocketBible on my desktop. Then, when I got a laptop I put it on it, and then on my next laptop and on my current laptop. When I got an iphone, I put it on it. Now I have a Surface RT and have it on it...Thank you so much for such an outstanding and useful product.” — Dan E

“I love doing searches in class when someone asks a question that needs an outside source for an answer. With Laridian, I've got the outside sources at my finger tips on my iPod Touch.” — John A

“I love PocketBible! It is my work horse program, and I use it for teaching, preaching, and personal bible study...I'd like to thank you for your great (to me) shows excellence in how it works! ” — LESTER H

“Just installed [PocketBible for Android] — major step forward.... may be the tipping point in whether I buy a tablet” — Charles G

“I have been using PocketBible for more than a decade, and it is one of the most important apps on my devices. I highly recommend it!” — Mark M

“Having this application on my Surface is so useful. I love the ease with which I can search for passages, can follow links to others passages for further clarification.” — Lynne V

“I have enjoyed my Laridian library for many years now. I have tried others, but have found none with the quality and variety of Laridian. Thank you for the blessing!” — Gary M

The Fine Print

Copyright © 2010-2025 by Laridian, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Laridian and PocketBible are registered trademarks of Laridian, Inc. DailyReader, MyBible, Memorize!, PrayerPartner, eTract, BookBuilder, VerseLinker, iPocketBible, DocAnalyzer, Change the way you look at the Bible, and The Bible. Anywhere. are trademarks of Laridian, Inc. Other marks are the property of their respective owners.

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The Fine Print

Copyright © 2010-2025 by Laridian, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Laridian, PocketBible, and MyBible are registered trademarks of Laridian, Inc. DailyReader, Memorize!, PrayerPartner, eTract, BookBuilder, VerseLinker, iPocketBible, DocAnalyzer, Change the way you look at the Bible, and The Bible. Anywhere. are trademarks of Laridian, Inc. Other marks are the property of their respective owners.

Best Ways to Get Help

You can get the fastest help by helping yourself.

  1. Make sure you download and install the PocketBible app that is required to read the Bibles or books you bought
  2. Read the confirmation email we send you when you make a purchase
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