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Laridian, GDPR, CCPA, and Other Privacy Initiatives

Laridian has always treated the personal information you provide to us with the greatest care. We have never sold or otherwise transferred your information to any third parties except those who provide services for us, such as companies who perform the actual sending of our marketing email, or those who print your address on envelopes for direct mail campaigns. When we make use of such third parties, we verify that they are not retaining your information or distributing it to others.

We have always given you the freedom to be anonymous users of our software or to provide false identifying information to obscure your identity in contexts other than making payments. We have always given you the option to opt out of our marketing campaigns or to have all of your information completely removed from our databases, servers, and records.

Because of our decades of commitment to confidentiality, new government privacy initiatives (like GDPR in the EU and CCPA in California) have little or no impact other than to place onerous requirements on us to word things in a certain way or say things in a certain order. In terms of policy, none of them has ever changed anything we do here. They are attempting to stop the nefarious and underhanded practices of large companies who collect information about you without your knowledge then sell that information to the highest bidder. That just isn't what we do. Never have. Never will.

Spam and Telemarketing

In general, we do not send email to anyone who has not purchased or downloaded a product from us or who has not signed up in some other way to receive email from us.

The kinds of email we will send to you include new product announcements, special offers, news about our current and future products, and information about products related to ours that we think might be of interest to you. We send email out about once a week, but not every customer is included in every email campaign so it is unlikely you'll receive email that frequently from us. If you want to be sure you receive our emails, you should add to your address book or spam filter "whitelist". If you don't want to receive email from us, simply follow the removal instructions in any marketing email you receive from us or contact us by any of the methods described on this page.

If we happen to have your phone number, we generally won't use it. You don't have to provide it. We prefer to communicate with you by email. We will neither sell nor rent your phone number to third parties for any purpose whatsoever.

Contacting Us Concerning Privacy

If you have any questions concerning this Privacy Policy or have any concerns about the practices of our company, contact Craig Rairdin, President, by email at or by mail, phone, or fax using the contact information found elsewhere on this site.


Laridian® has created this privacy statement in order to demonstrate our firm commitment to privacy. The following discloses our information gathering and dissemination practices for both our applications ("apps") and this website.

Your Account on Our Site

Our apps and our website contain facilities by which you can create an account with us. Your account contains:

  • A record of all your purchases so that we can determine what books, Bibles, feature sets, and other products you are entitled to download.
  • If you choose to synchronize your "user-created data" (primarily notes, highlights, bookmarks, and devotional reading progress) with our server, that information is stored in your account on our server so that it can be synchronized to our apps running on your other devices across multiple operating system platforms.

When you create an account with us (by registering one of our apps or making a purchase at our website), we collect your email address and ask you to create a password that only you know. We will also ask for your name so that we know how to address you, but do not require nor verify that the name you provide actually belongs to you.

If you are paying with a credit card we may ask for your billing address as required by your bank in order to authorize the charge to your card.

If you are purchasing products that need to be shipped to you, we will ask for your address. We retain your address information for ease of placing your next order.

When you log into your account (either at our website or within our app), we ask for your Laridian Customer ID (assigned when the account was created) or your email address. We will also ask for your password. We use this to verify your identity in order to protect your data from unwanted access.

Information Collected by Our Apps

Our apps contain facilities for creating and logging into your account as described above. We store your login credentials on your device in an encrypted format so that you don't have to enter them every time the app has to interact with your account on the server.

Creating or logging into an account is only necessary if you want to make use of the above-mentioned features. You can use our apps without creating an account but obviously you won't have access to the private data we store in that account for you unless you're willing to both establish the account in the first place and then authenticate yourself by providing your Laridian Customer ID (or email address) and password.

You can further secure your privacy by registering subsequent installations of our apps using your assigned Laridian Customer ID in place of your email address.

Some of our applications provide a shopping experience by which you can add additional content to the application from within the app. In most cases, both the in-app catalog and the handling of the financial transaction is provided by our Web servers. However, in the case of iOS, our server is providing the catalog but the financial transaction is handled by Apple's In-App Purchase and Apple's privacy policies apply.

To the extent that the shopping experience is happening on our Web servers, the privacy policies in the next section apply.

Information Collected by Our Website

Like most Web servers, ours automatically collects each visitor's IP address. We use this information to create statistical reports about visitors to our site. We do not share personally identifiable information about your visit to third parties.

When you link to our site through a banner ad or other link we sponsor on another website, we store your IP address and an indicator of where you came from so that we can compensate the referring site or verify the accuracy of the bill we receive from that site. In this case we only use your IP address for the purpose of eliminating duplicate visits from these statistics. We also store the identity of the referring site with our record of any order you place during that visit so that we can determine the effectiveness of our advertising and, in some cases, compensate the referrer.

We may keep a record of the products you view on our site in order to enhance your shopping experience or to present you with customized opportunities to make future purchases.

Our site uses "cookies" to store temporary information during your visit to our site. Cookies are small files created on your computer by your browser. The cookie we store contains an identifier we use to recognize you as you move from page to page or place an order at our site. We store information (such as your shopping cart) in a database on our server during your visit, then use the identifier in your cookie to retrieve that information as you move from page to page.

The identifier we store is a random sequence of characters (like "FDBFCBFCDCAMGBAHHAHGLAOK") and contains no personal information about you (such as your credit card number or name). The cookie expires about twenty minutes after your last interaction with our site and is automatically deleted by your browser. We do not store any information on your computer between visits to our site.

Voluntarily Provided Information

We sometimes ask visitors to respond voluntarily to surveys that ask them for demographic information (like their zip code, age, or income level) and other information that we think will help us improve our products or services. Unless otherwise stated on the survey, we collect this information in such a way that it cannot be connected to a specific person. Then we aggregate this information and create reports that help us identify trends, affinities and interests for the purpose of improving our products, providing better service, and advertising more effectively.

We do not collect your email address or other personal information about you without your explicit permission.

Unless you request otherwise within your communication with us, we may extract brief excerpts from complimentary emails or letters you send us for use on our "testimonials" page or in advertising. If used, these quotes will be edited to reduce the likelihood that they could be connected to you personally. We may choose to identify quotes using your initials or first name, but not your entire name. In order to guarantee the authenticity and sincerity of such quotes, we do not compensate anyone for the use of this material. You may ask us to remove an attributed quote from our website or from future advertisements at any time, and we will comply with your request as soon as practicable.

Third Parties

We make use of outside companies to send emails to our customers. We provide your contact information to those companies for the purpose of providing that service for us. Those companies have positively affirmed to us that they do not share your information with others, and that their privacy polices meet or exceed our own.

We use an outside company to process credit card transactions. You provide personal information to them in the course of making a purchase. We have verified that their privacy policies are at least as strict as our own.


This site has security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control. In particular, we do not store your credit card number, expiration date, card security code, or other sensitive personal financial data at all, neither electronically nor physically. Access to all other customer data is protected by multiple layers of security protocols, and procedures are in place to limit access to this information to only those individuals in our company who have a bona fide business need.

Choosing How We Can Use Your Personal Information

You can choose not to use the features of our apps or of third-party apps that store your personalized data on our server. You can ask us to remove your personalized data at any time by contacting us through any of the methods described on our website.

You have the following options for discontinuing future unsolicited communications from us:

  1. You can send email to with your request.
  2. You can reply to any email from our domain with the subject "Remove".
  3. You can contact us by mail, phone or fax using the contact information found elsewhere on this site.

Updating or Obscuring Your Personal Information

You have the following options for changing information previously provided:

  1. You can send email to with your request.
  2. You can reply to any email from our domain with your request.
  3. You can change the information yourself at our website or when placing another order.
  4. You can contact us by mail, phone or fax using the contact information found elsewhere on this site.

Asking Us to Remove Your Personal Information

You can ask us to delete your account or remove any personal information we have about you from our records by contacting us at with your request, or by using any other means of contact described on our website.

Effective Date and Revisions

This statement was last updated on June 30, 2020.

The latest version of this statement is always available on our website.

  • June 30, 2020: Addressed grammatical errors and in so doing, made the wording a little clearer in the CCPA/GDPR section.
  • January 18, 2020: Added CCPA to the list of pointless privacy initiatives enacted by politicians to get votes from people who think the government can solve all their problems by passing laws.
  • September 14, 2018: Updated to more accurately describe what data we collect and how it is used in our apps and on our website; provide explicit instructions for removal of personal information.
  • December 24, 2014: Updated the security section to more accurately describe storage of and access to sensitive personal financial data.
  • August 27, 2014: Updated language to more accurately describe the shopping experience on our site, our server configuration, and to remove references to services no longer used.
  • December 21, 2012: Modified terms regarding use of testimonial statements.
  • March 4, 2012: Added description of privacy within our apps.

The Fine Print

Copyright © 2010-2025 by Laridian, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Laridian and PocketBible are registered trademarks of Laridian, Inc. DailyReader, MyBible, Memorize!, PrayerPartner, eTract, BookBuilder, VerseLinker, iPocketBible, DocAnalyzer, Change the way you look at the Bible, and The Bible. Anywhere. are trademarks of Laridian, Inc. Other marks are the property of their respective owners.

About You

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  • You are not logged in.
  • Your IP Address:
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Stay Informed

We announce new products via email. If you ask to be removed from any of our mailings, you will not receive these notifications. If your email address changes, make sure you change it here, too.

From time to time we post things on our blog, on MeWe, and on Facebook.

The Fine Print

Copyright © 2010-2025 by Laridian, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Laridian, PocketBible, and MyBible are registered trademarks of Laridian, Inc. DailyReader, Memorize!, PrayerPartner, eTract, BookBuilder, VerseLinker, iPocketBible, DocAnalyzer, Change the way you look at the Bible, and The Bible. Anywhere. are trademarks of Laridian, Inc. Other marks are the property of their respective owners.

Best Ways to Get Help

You can get the fastest help by helping yourself.

  1. Make sure you download and install the PocketBible app that is required to read the Bibles or books you bought
  2. Read the confirmation email we send you when you make a purchase
  3. Read the help that's built into each of our products
  4. Look through our Frequently Asked Questions
  5. Submit a Support Ticket
  6. Email us at

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