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- A-to-Z Guide to Biblical Prophecy and End Times
A helpful, easy-to-use guide to topics related to biblical prophecy.
$10.99Add To Cart - Barbour Simplified KJV Dictionary/ConcordanceNo description available.$1.00Add To Cart
- Bible Maps
Thirteen Bible maps covering the major time periods and places of the Bible.
$14.99Add To Cart - Christian Quotations
An anthology of over 6,000 quotations arranged under nearly 500 topics and subtopics covering different aspects of the Christian life and faith, and practical topics of everyday life. Drawn from an extensive range of different traditions through the ages and throughout the world.
$9.99Add To Cart - Chron Encyclopedia of Christian Biographies
AMG's Encyclopedia of Christian Biographies is the culmination of fifty years of research, offering an index of biographical sketches for nearly every major person who has come and gone throughout Christian history
$14.99Add To Cart - Complete People and Places of the Bible
Covers more than 2,000 people names (some 3,400 individuals) and 1,100 place names — every proper name in scripture. Provides the meaning of the name, number of times it is used, a description of the person or place, and key Bible references for further study.
$29.99Add To Cart - Complete Word Study Dictionaries with KJV
The Complete Word Study Dictionary: Old Testament and The Complete Word Study Dictionary: New Testament combined in a money saving bundle!
$39.99Add To Cart - Complete Word Study Dictionary NT with KJV
The Complete Word Study Dictionary: New Testament gives you in-depth definitions and explanations for every word used in the Greek New Testament. It's easy to use with no knowledge of Greek language required!!
$29.99Add To Cart - Complete Word Study Dictionary OT with KJV
The Complete Word Study Dictionary: Old Testament gives you in-depth definitions and explanations for every word used in the Hebrew Old Testament. It's easy to use with no knowledge of Hebrew or Aramaic required!
$29.99Add To Cart - Concise Bible Doctrine
Concise Bible Doctrine takes the hard to comprehend doctrines that have been debated for centuries and makes them readily understandable for the contemporary Bible student.
$14.99Add To Cart - Deluxe Bible Maps and Timelines
Our largest collection of maps and timelines covering the entirety of Bible history.
$19.99Add To Cart - Dictionary of Bible Themes
The Dictionary of Bible Themes contains over 2,000 thematic articles with an explanation of the theme, key Bible references, and cross-references to related themes.
$39.99Add To Cart - Dictionary of Christian Spirituality
Understand the origins, development, and contemporary expressions of Christian spirituality with this unique and valuable resource.
$44.99Add To Cart - Encyclopedia Of Bible Facts
AMG's Encyclopedia of Bible Facts is an essential Bible guide for every home and library.
$14.99Add To Cart - Holman Book of Biblical Charts, Maps, and Reconstructions
This complete one-volume set of Bible charts, maps and artists' renderings of biblical cities and artifacts opens the eyes of your understanding in a fresh way and provides a deeper dimension to personal and group Bible study.
$19.99Add To Cart - Holman Concise Bible Dictionary
The Holman Concise Bible Dictionary strikes a balance betwee being too brief and providing so much information as to be overwhelming. Comprehensive coverage of over 3000 topics and subtopics includes articles on each book of the Bible, major Christian doctrines, contemporary issues, and of course Bible people, places, and events.
$12.99Add To Cart - Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary
The Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary has been recently expanded with 280 updated articles and 500 new photos. It draws from multiple Bible translations and features extensive cross-referencing. More than 700 full-color graphics.
$29.99Add To Cart - Holman Treasury of Key Bible Words
This easy-to-read resource offers accurate, detailed definitions of key Bible words from the original Greek or Hebrew text.
$13.99Add To Cart - International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
Originally published in five volumes, the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (ISBE) is arguably the most comprehensive encyclopedic reference book we offer for PocketBible.
$29.99Add To Cart - IVP Dictionaries Bundle: 2nd Edition
The eight volumes of the IVP Bible Dictionary Series bridge the gap between scholars and those pastors, teachers, students and lay people desiring in-depth treatment of select topics in an accessible and summary format.
$299.99Add To Cart - IVP Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels
Showcasing the work of a new generation of scholars, this volume surveys scholarship and method in historical Jesus studies, New Testament textual criticism and more.
$39.99Add To Cart - IVP Dictionary of New Testament Background
The Dictionary of New Testament Background sets out for readers the wealth of Jewish and Greco-Roman background that should inform our reading and understanding of the New Testament and early Christianity.
$39.99Add To Cart - IVP Dictionary of Paul and His Letters: 2nd Edition
Part of the IVP Dictionary Series, no other single reference work presents as much information focused exclusively on Pauline theology, literature, background and scholarship. This is the 2nd edition of this popular dictionary.
$39.99Add To Cart - IVP Dictionary of the Later New Testament and Its Developments
Provides focused study on the often-neglected portions of the New Testament: Acts, Hebrews, the General Epistles and Revelation. Also includes the work of the apostolic fathers and early Christianity up through the middle of the second century.
$39.99Add To Cart - IVP Dictionary of the Old Testament: Historical Books
This award-winning, encyclopedic work is characterized by in-depth articles focused on key topics that focus on the history of Israel from Israel's entry into the Promised Land through the postexilic period.
$39.99Add To Cart - IVP Dictionary of the Old Testament: Prophets
Covers historical, cultural, religious and literary background of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, the twelve "minor prophets" and Daniel.
$39.99Add To Cart - IVP Dictionary of the Old Testament: Wisdom, Poetry, and Writings
This third Old Testament volume in InterVarsity Press's celebrated "Black Dictionary" series offers nearly 150 articles from over 90 contributors covering all the important aspects of Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Psalms, Song of Songs, Lamentations, Ruth and Esther.
$39.99Add To Cart - IVP Dictionary of the OT: Pentateuch
The Dictionary of the Old Testament: Pentateuch is designed to be your first stop in the study and research of the Pentateuch, on which the rest of the Bible is built.
$39.99Add To Cart - Laridian Bible Maps
6 full color Bible maps for use with PocketBible.
$4.99Add To Cart - Laridian English Dictionary
The Laridian English Dictionary provides concise definitions of about 150,000 English words and is an ideal companion to Bible study.
$12.99Add To Cart - MacArthurs Topical Bible
The MacArthur Topical Bible covers 20,000 Bible topics and more than 100,000 Bible passages, carefully cross-referenced and organized for quick and complete visual location.
$49.99Add To Cart - Nelsons New Christian Dictionary
The Nelsons New Christian Dictionary provides definitions for over 7,000 terms and names in the history of Christianity.
$39.99Add To Cart - Nelsons New Illustrated Bible Dictionary
Drawing from the expertise of some of the world's finest evangelical scholars, Nelsons New Illustrated Bible Dictionary is an updated and accurate Bible dictionary containing a wealth of the most dependable findings and insights to enrich your study of the Bible.
$49.99Add To Cart - Nelsons Topical Bible
Nelsons Topical Bible organizes key Scripture references with context summaries under 8,000 topics and sub-topics, including names, places, things, concepts, events and doctrines.
$16.99Add To Cart - New Bible Dictionary
The New Bible Dictionary is a magnificent and comprehensive Bible dictionary that has set the standard for evangelical Bible dictionaries for five decades. Now in its third, updated edition, it is the clear leader in its field.
$29.99Add To Cart - New Dictionary of Biblical Theology
At the heart of New Dictionary of Biblical Theology is an A-to-Z encyclopedia of over 200 key biblical-theological themes such as atonement, creation, eschatology, Israel, Jesus Christ, the kingdom of God, redemption, suffering, wisdom and worship. Students and communicators of the Bible will be well served by articles exploring the theology of each biblical book.
$19.99Add To Cart - New Dictionary of Theology
Since its publication, the New Dictionary of Theology (NDOT) has rapidly established itself as a standard, authoritative reference work in systematic and historical theology. More than 630 articles cover a variety of theological themes, thinkers and movements.
$19.99Add To Cart - New Strong's Dictionary of Hebrew and Greek Words
Keyed to the Strong's numbering system, this special edition of Strong's lexicon contains a wealth of information about the words of the Bible in their original languages.
$19.99Add To Cart - New Unger's Bible Dictionary
The New Unger's Bible Dictionary includes an outline of every book of the Bible and complete coverage of people and places of the Bible. It has been carefully revised with the most up-to-date archaeological, geological, and theological research.
$29.99Add To Cart - Pocket Dictionary for the Study of Biblical Hebrew
Defines over 2000 terms of grammar, syntax, linguistics, textual criticism, and Old Testament criticism.
$5.99Add To Cart - Pocket Dictionary for the Study of NT Greek
Defines over 1,700 terms of grammar, word study, textual criticism, exegetical method and New Testament criticism.
$5.49Add To Cart - Pocket Dictionary of Ethics
The Pocket Dictionary of Ethics is not only a brief and convenient reference book, it can take you where your desktop dictionary was not designed to go. It doubles as your basic A-to-Z survey or refresher course in ethics.
$4.99Add To Cart - Pocket Dictionary of Liturgy and Worship
The Pocket Dictionary of Liturgy and Worship is a quick-reference guide for students studying worship and the church's history of liturgy as well as for leaders of worship and liturgy who want to renew, check or expand their knowledge.
$4.99Add To Cart - Pocket Dictionary of New Religious Movements
Nearly 450 entries covering religious groups form the Aetherius Society to the Zion Christian Church. An indispensable companion for students of religion or curious observers of the religious scene.
$4.99Add To Cart - Pocket Dictionary of Theological Terms
The Pocket Dictionary of Theological Terms is an affordable, brief and concise reference that defines important theological terms arranged in an A-to-Z format. A perfect companion to your theological studies.
$4.99Add To Cart - Pocket Dictionary of Apologetics and Philosophy
Designed to be a companion to your pursuit of truth and defense of the faith. An affordable and easily accessible "help key" for your readings, lectures, writing assignments and exam preparation.
$4.99Add To Cart - Pocket Dictionary of Biblical Studies
Whether you are studying Old Testament or New Testament or both at once, the Pocket Dictionary of Biblical Studies is your private tutor, your ever-ready guide to over three hundred biblical-studies terms.
$4.99Add To Cart - Pocket Dictionary of Christian Spirituality
An introduction and resource to guide you through the terms, ideas, traditions, movements, practices, rituals, texts, and theology of Christianity.
$4.99Add To Cart - Pocket Dictionary of Church History
The Pocket Dictionary of Church History is designed to help students identify the people, places, events, movements and ideas that checker the story of the church through the ages.
$4.99Add To Cart - Pocket Dictionary of North American Denominations
The Pocket Dictionary of North American Denominations is an eminently useful A-to-Z overview of church denominations. Over 100 Christian groups clearly and concisely defined.
$4.99Add To Cart
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