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FREE DICTIONARIES for Windows Desktop
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All Dictionaries for Windows Desktop
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- Pocket Dictionary of the Reformed Tradition
Over 300 terms, related to the Reformed Tradition, clearly and concisely defined.
$4.99Add To Cart - Pocket Guide to World Religions
A concise, informative guide for anyone looking for answers to basic questions about the world's varied religions.
$4.99Add To Cart - Pocket History of Theology
A concise and informative guide to the history of Christian theology.
$4.99Add To Cart - Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament
The Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament offers extensive, scholarly discussion of every Hebrew word of theological significance in the Old Testament.
$37.99Add To Cart - Tyndale Bible Dictionary
The Tyndale Bible Dictionary features over 1000 articles covering everything from Aaronic priesthood to the Wilderness of Zin. It is the most comprehensive, up-to-date, single-volume Bible dictionary available today.
$14.99Add To Cart - Ultimate Bible Dictionary
Carefully researched and accessible definitions are designed to provide a quick understanding of a term before going into further detail as needed. The definitions are enhanced by a large number of colorful maps and photos.
$9.99Add To Cart - Vines Complete Expository Dictionary of OT/NT Word
A classic reference tool that has helped thousands dig deeper into the meaning of the biblical text. Explains over 6,000 key biblical words.
$44.99Add To Cart - What Does the Bible Say About
The ultimate A to Z guide to contemporary topics one would not expect to find in the Bible!
$19.99Add To Cart - Where to Find it in the Bible
Where to Find it in the Bible is a contemporary concordance that uses common phrases to help you locate biblical sources on a myriad of subjects, both traditional and offbeat.
$19.99Add To Cart - Zondervan Dictionary of Biblical Imagery
The Zondervan Dictionary of Biblical Imagery offers definitions and illustrations for biblical images related to everyday life, nature, and geography in ancient and first-century Israel.
$34.99Add To Cart
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