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- Bible Book by Book
The Bible Book by Book provides a fresh overview of every book of the Bible.
$7.99Add To Cart - Concise Theology: A Guide to Historic Christian Beliefs
J.I. Packer covers the essentials of theology in a style and length that busy readers can appreciate.
$9.99Add To Cart - Dispensationalism
In this treatise, Chafer shows the reasonableness and scriptural basis of Dispensationalism.
$7.99Add To Cart - God With Us
A clear and practical introduction to classical Christology, God with Us, explores the historic, orthodox understanding of the person called Emmanuel, or "God with us".
$6.99Add To Cart - Handbook of Bible Prayers
Prayer is about conversation with God and is not reserved for a "religious" setting. The Bible tells us what prayer is and isn't. And it gives us examples of ordinary people who learned how to become friends with God and how to share every part of their lives with him in prayer.
$14.99Add To Cart - Handbook of Bible Promises
The Handbook of Bible Promises has been designed as a handbook of practical Christian living. In it, the authors choose promises from the Bible and show how they work out in practice so they can become a part of your life.
$14.99Add To Cart - Hidden in Christ: Living as God's Beloved
A 30-day immersion in the first 17 verses of Colossians 3 and the hidden life in Christ.
$9.99Add To Cart - Major Bible Themes
The New Testament emphasizes the importance of sound doctrine. Not knowing the doctrines of the Bible, the believer can be easily deceived and fall into heresies. God's purpose is for us to be fully equipped to handle these situations. Chafer allows God to speak through Scripture on major Bible doctrines.
$19.99Add To Cart - Ryken's Bible Handbook
Go beyond merely reading the Bible and discover its hidden treasures with the help of Ryken's Bible Handbook!
$14.99Add To Cart - The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah
This classic work by Jewish convert to Christianity Alfred Edersheim attempts to paint a full portrait of Jewish life, society, and thinking at the time of Jesus. As we transport ourselves into that time, we feel that the Gospels present to us a real, historical scene; that the people and the circumstances to which we are introduced speak and behave just as we would expect them to.
$14.99Add To Cart
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