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- Robertson's Word Pictures in the New Testament
Robertson’s Word Pictures in the New Testament is a classic word study reference set that takes you verse-by-verse through the entire New Testament.
$19.99Add To Cart - Romans 1-8: Reformation Commentary on Scripture
Paul's letter to the church in Rome has been a focus of Christian reflection throughout church history. Martin Luther said of this epistle, "It is impossible to read or to meditate on this letter too much or too well." Church historian Gwenfair Adams guides readers through a variety of early modern commentary on the first eight chapters of Paul's epistle to the Romans.
$29.99Add To Cart - Romans 9-16: Reformation Commentary on Scripture
Philip and Peter Krey guide readers through Reformation-era commentary on the second half of Paul's letter to the Roman church. Among the issues the Reformers dealt with were the predestination of God's elect, the destiny of Israel, the role of Gentiles in salvation history, the ethical demands of the Christian life, and the Christian's relationship to the state.
$29.99Add To Cart - Romans and 1 Corinthians: A W. E. Vine Verse-by-Verse Commentary
Romans and 1 Corinthians are the first two Pauline letters in the New Testament. Vine's commentary on Romans is clear and easy to read, especially given the density of theological content in this great book. His commentary on 1 Corinthians matches the pastoral heart of Paul.
$14.99Add To Cart - Romans and 1-2 Corinthians (Ambrosiaster): Ancient Christian Texts
Here for the first time Ambrosiaster's commentaries on Romans and 1-2 Corinthians are made available in English. Ambrosiaster was a careful and thoughtful interpreter. This commentary offers a rich repository of insight into the thinking of pre-Reformation church leaders for the leaders and teachers of the church today.
$39.99Add To Cart - Romans, 1-2 Corinthians, and Hebrews (Cyril of Alexandria): Ancient Christian Texts
Cyril viewed himself, first and foremost, as an interpreter of Scripture. Abounding with Cyril's insights regarding these canonical texts and biblical themes such as the triune nature of God, Christ's sacrificial death, and justification, these commentaries are essential tools for understanding Cyril's reading of Holy Scripture.
$39.99Add To Cart - Ryrie Study Bible Notes
The Ryrie Study Bible is study notes and helps by Dr. Charles C. Ryrie written to help you understand the entire Bible.
$14.99Add To Cart - Some Shorter Letters of Paul: A W. E. Vine Verse-by-Verse Commentary
Some Shorter Letters of Paul contains commentaries on Galatians, Philippians, Colossians, and 1 and 2 Thessalonians. These commentaries excel in the rich tradition of careful, exegetical word study and expository commentary. They take into consideration every reference to a particular word in the Bible as well as the range of its uses in ancient Greek.
$14.99Add To Cart - Spirit of the Reformation Study Bible Notes
The Spirit of the Reformation Study Bible provides a theologically conservative and balanced system of notes and articles that trace the Reformed Christian heritage back to its roots in the Reformation.
$14.99Add To Cart - Spirit-Filled Life Study Bible Notes
Take a deep and powerful look at Scripture and experience the presence of the Holy Spirit as you encounter God in His Word. The bestselling Spirit-Filled Life Bible is now in its third edition, filled with updated and expanded features and fresh insights from today's leading scholars, professors, and ministry leaders.
$39.99Add To Cart
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