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- Synopsis of the Books of the Bible
Read chapter-by-chapter commentary on the entire Bible by the Father of Dispensationalism, John Darby in this 5 volume set.
$14.99Add To Cart - Systematic Theology Study Bible Notes
Helps believers organize their study of God in a coherent way, locate Scripture to back their convictions, and apply it to their daily lives through hundreds of articles keyed to Bible passages that present classic Christian theology through the lens of 10 key topics.
$19.99Add To Cart - The Apocalypse (Andrew of Caesarea): Ancient Christian Texts
Andrew of Caesarea's commentary on the book of Revelation is one of the earliest full treatments in Greek and dates from the early sixth century. Readers are exposed not only to early dialogue on the meaning and significance of the book for the faith and life of the church, but also to breadth of interpretation within the unity of the early Christian faith.
$19.99Add To Cart - The Apocalypse (Bede the Venerable): Ancient Christian Texts
Bede the Venerable, who died in 735, is the latest commentator on Revelation to be included in the Ancient Christian Texts series. He passes on commentary from earlier exegetes, here including that of Augustine, Gregory the Great, Victorinus, Tyconius and Primasius.
$9.99Add To Cart - The Apocalypse (Caesarius of Arles): Ancient Christian Texts
Caesarius of Arles, author of this volume, wrote in the early sixth century and offered a thoroughgoing allegorical-ecclesial interpretation of the Apocalypse.
$9.99Add To Cart - The Apocalypse (Oecumenius): Ancient Christian Texts
Oecumenius of Isauria's commentary on the Revelation is the earliest full treatment of the book in Greek and dates from the early sixth century. Readers are exposed to early dialogue on the meaning and significance of the book for the faith and life of the church.
$19.99Add To Cart - The Apocalypse (Victorinus of Petovium): Ancient Christian Texts
This full commentary on the Apocalypse is that of Victorinus of Petovium written in the mid to late third century by the earliest exegete to write in Latin. Victorinus interpreted Revelation in millennialist terms, a mode of interpretation already evident in works by Irenaeus, as well as in modest allegorical terms.
$9.99Add To Cart - The Epistle to the Ephesians
Ephesians unfolds God’s glorious purpose for the church, which should break down color and class barriers. "Only Christ can bring together people on either side of these barricades by first bringing them to himself." This verse-by-verse commentary is intended for the general Christian reader, not for the scholar.
$9.99Add To Cart - The Gospel and Letters of John
Christ is at the center of this study of the writings of the Apostle John. Vine presents Christ in the grandeur of His eternal Deity, His distinct personality in the Godhead, His essential oneness with the Father, and His power as Creator and as the Giver of life. Includes commentary on the Gospel of John and the 3 epistles of John.
$14.99Add To Cart - The Gospel of John: Introduction, Exposition, and Notes
This outstanding commentary is easy to read, informative, and intended for the general reader interested in serious Bible study. The translation used is Bruce's own. He sets passages in their historical and cultural context, compares them with the other three Gospel accounts, and opens the meaning of the verses.
$9.99Add To Cart
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