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- America's Founding Documents
A collection of about 59 historical documents covering the colonization, founding, and early political thought of the United States of America.
$19.99Add To Cart - Concise Bible Characters
A collection of more than 150 stories of the people of the Bible, including not just named individuals but unnamed characters in Jesus parables and prophecy.
$7.99Add To Cart - God With Us
A clear and practical introduction to classical Christology, God with Us, explores the historic, orthodox understanding of the person called Emmanuel, or "God with us".
$6.99Add To Cart - Handbook of Bible Prayers
Prayer is about conversation with God and is not reserved for a "religious" setting. The Bible tells us what prayer is and isn't. And it gives us examples of ordinary people who learned how to become friends with God and how to share every part of their lives with him in prayer.
$14.99Add To Cart - Laridian Book of Classic Hymns
The Laridian Book of Classic Hymns is a collection of lyrics from over 2000 public domain hymns, including author and date written (when known) as well as referenced or related Scripture verses for each hymn.
$12.99Add To Cart - Simplified Harmony of the Gospels
Most Gospel harmonies use parallel columns to give side-by-side comparisons of the various events in Jesus' life. A Simplified Harmony of the Gospels presents the four Gospels woven into a single, running narrative.
$13.99Add To Cart - The Deity of Christ
Recognizing that the doctrine of the deity of Christ was under attack, Dr. William J. Martin, lecturer at University of Liverpool, and Dr. F.F. Bruce wrote a little book stating the case for the deity of Christ. This edition also includes three articles by Professor Bruce about the deity of Christ, the incarnation, and the virgin birth.
$2.99Add To Cart - The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah
This classic work by Jewish convert to Christianity Alfred Edersheim attempts to paint a full portrait of Jewish life, society, and thinking at the time of Jesus. As we transport ourselves into that time, we feel that the Gospels present to us a real, historical scene; that the people and the circumstances to which we are introduced speak and behave just as we would expect them to.
$14.99Add To Cart - The Origin of the Bible
A comprehensive guide to the origin and development of the Bible text, manuscripts, and canon.
$9.99Add To Cart - Ultimate Guide to Defend Your Faith
The Ultimate Guide to Defend Your Faith is full of practical information, resources, and visual aids to help you discuss, defend, and clearly share your Christian faith with others.
$9.99Add To Cart
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