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- Concise Introduction to the Bible
Concise Introduction to the Bible brings the Bible to life, not only by recounting the events of biblical history, but also by making biblical history relevant for the readers of the twenty-first century.
$14.99Add To Cart - Concise Theology: A Guide to Historic Christian Beliefs
J.I. Packer covers the essentials of theology in a style and length that busy readers can appreciate.
$9.99Add To Cart - Crazy Love: Overwhelmed By A Relentless God
Revised and updated edition of Francis Chan's best-selling book. Includes new preface and bonus chapter.
$9.99Add To Cart - Creeds and Confessions
A selection of historic Christian creeds and confessions from The Nicene Creed (AD 325) to The New Hampshire Confession (1833).
$7.99Add To Cart - Defending First-Century Faith
The problems that faced the early church have continued to rear their heads in new guises and we can learn much from the sensitive way the apostles tackled them. They adapted their approach, but never watered down their message.
$7.99Add To Cart - Discovering God's Way
Over 100 short studies with practical encouragement for following Jesus.
$7.99Add To Cart - Discovering the Message of the Bible
Brings together two important works by H.L. Ellison and F.F. Bruce. Ellison provides a primer to the understanding of the Old Testament as a whole; Bruce presents the central message of the New Testament.
$9.99Add To Cart - Dispensationalism
In this treatise, Chafer shows the reasonableness and scriptural basis of Dispensationalism.
$7.99Add To Cart - Erasing Hell: What God Said About Eternity, and the Things We Made Up
In this groundbreaking new book, Francis Chan and Preston Sprinkle take on the topic of hell and our eternal destiny, with a sense of humility and a deep respect for the inspired Word of God.
$9.99Add To Cart - Essential Truths of Christianity
Explore the Essential Truths of Christianity in 60 short studies. Learn what the Bible teaches about God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit salvation and more!
$7.99Add To Cart
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