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- Christian Quotations
An anthology of over 6,000 quotations arranged under nearly 500 topics and subtopics covering different aspects of the Christian life and faith, and practical topics of everyday life. Drawn from an extensive range of different traditions through the ages and throughout the world.
$9.99Add To Cart - Chron Encyclopedia of Christian Biographies
AMG's Encyclopedia of Christian Biographies is the culmination of fifty years of research, offering an index of biographical sketches for nearly every major person who has come and gone throughout Christian history
$14.99Add To Cart - Complete People and Places of the Bible
Covers more than 2,000 people names (some 3,400 individuals) and 1,100 place names — every proper name in scripture. Provides the meaning of the name, number of times it is used, a description of the person or place, and key Bible references for further study.
$29.99Add To Cart - Concise Bible Doctrine
Concise Bible Doctrine takes the hard to comprehend doctrines that have been debated for centuries and makes them readily understandable for the contemporary Bible student.
$14.99Add To Cart - Deluxe Bible Maps and Timelines
Our largest collection of maps and timelines covering the entirety of Bible history.
$19.99Add To Cart - Encyclopedia Of Bible Facts
AMG's Encyclopedia of Bible Facts is an essential Bible guide for every home and library.
$14.99Add To Cart - Holman Book of Biblical Charts, Maps, and Reconstructions
This complete one-volume set of Bible charts, maps and artists' renderings of biblical cities and artifacts opens the eyes of your understanding in a fresh way and provides a deeper dimension to personal and group Bible study.
$19.99Add To Cart - Holman Concise Bible Dictionary
The Holman Concise Bible Dictionary strikes a balance betwee being too brief and providing so much information as to be overwhelming. Comprehensive coverage of over 3000 topics and subtopics includes articles on each book of the Bible, major Christian doctrines, contemporary issues, and of course Bible people, places, and events.
$12.99Add To Cart - IVP Dictionary of Paul and His Letters: 2nd Edition
Part of the IVP Dictionary Series, no other single reference work presents as much information focused exclusively on Pauline theology, literature, background and scholarship. This is the 2nd edition of this popular dictionary.
$39.99Add To Cart - New Unger's Bible Dictionary
The New Unger's Bible Dictionary includes an outline of every book of the Bible and complete coverage of people and places of the Bible. It has been carefully revised with the most up-to-date archaeological, geological, and theological research.
$29.99Add To Cart
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