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- Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary - New Testament (17 Volumes)
This new commentary series takes a Christ-centered approach to expounding on each book of the Bible. The 17 New Testament volumes are presented here in one convenient PocketBible commentary.
$169.99Add To Cart - New International Commentary on the New Testament
This series provides in-depth exegesis based on the original Greek text while remaining clear and readable for those without formal language training. Each volume balances rigorous scholarship with practical application, offering historical, literary, and theological insights that illuminate the meaning of the text in its original context and its relevance for today.
$799.99Add To Cart - Preaching the Word - Genesis
R. Kent Hughes, respected pastor and author, takes readers back to the beginning of the Bible and moves through Genesis with careful exegesis. He explores the superbly crafted structure of the book as well as the weighty themes it contains.
$24.99Add To Cart - The Apocalypse (Andrew of Caesarea): Ancient Christian Texts
Andrew of Caesarea's commentary on the book of Revelation is one of the earliest full treatments in Greek and dates from the early sixth century. Readers are exposed not only to early dialogue on the meaning and significance of the book for the faith and life of the church, but also to breadth of interpretation within the unity of the early Christian faith.
$19.99Add To Cart - Jeremiah (Jerome): Ancient Christian Texts
Jerome displays his familiarity with both Hebrew and Greek texts of Jeremiah, often establishing the literal meaning through the Hebrew text and offering a spiritual interpretation that draws on the Septuagint. Here for the first time in English, with useful textual notes and a helpful introduction.
$39.99Add To Cart - Romans, 1-2 Corinthians, and Hebrews (Cyril of Alexandria): Ancient Christian Texts
Cyril viewed himself, first and foremost, as an interpreter of Scripture. Abounding with Cyril's insights regarding these canonical texts and biblical themes such as the triune nature of God, Christ's sacrificial death, and justification, these commentaries are essential tools for understanding Cyril's reading of Holy Scripture.
$39.99Add To Cart - Gospel of John (Theodore of Mopsuestia): Ancient Christian Texts
Committed to literal, linguistic, grammatical and historical interpretation, Theodore of Mopsuestia eschewed allegorical explanations that could not be supported from the text. Here for the first time is a complete English translation of this valuable work, based on an early complete Syriac translation dated within forty years of Theodore's death.
$39.99Add To Cart - The Apocalypse (Victorinus of Petovium): Ancient Christian Texts
This full commentary on the Apocalypse is that of Victorinus of Petovium written in the mid to late third century by the earliest exegete to write in Latin. Victorinus interpreted Revelation in millennialist terms, a mode of interpretation already evident in works by Irenaeus, as well as in modest allegorical terms.
$9.99Add To Cart - Matthew (Opus Imperfectum): Ancient Christian Texts
The early-fifth-century author of this work is unknown. While there are gaps in its coverage, what remains is quite lengthy. The author displays a few Arian propensities in a handful of passages, but for the most part the commentary is moral in nature and therefore orthodox and generic. Presented here in English for the first time.
$59.99Add To Cart - Romans and 1-2 Corinthians (Ambrosiaster): Ancient Christian Texts
Here for the first time Ambrosiaster's commentaries on Romans and 1-2 Corinthians are made available in English. Ambrosiaster was a careful and thoughtful interpreter. This commentary offers a rich repository of insight into the thinking of pre-Reformation church leaders for the leaders and teachers of the church today.
$39.99Add To Cart
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