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One Year Walk with God
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Paul tells us to "be transformed by the renewing of our minds." What does that mean for the average Christian? It means a departure from faulty human reasoning, a radically different way to think, to feel, and to make decisions. Drawing on the Bible's numerous references to the fallen mind of man and the perfect wisdom and will of God, the 365 readings from The One Year Walk with God will change how you think about yourself and about God.
What does it mean to have a transformed mind?
Learning to think God's way is a process. We did not come into this world with a clear perception about God and His kingdom—or about our own selves, for that matter. We began with distorted views, and part of our task as Christians is to let God change our thinking to accurately reflect His character and His kingdom. In other words, we need wisdom, God's wisdom, found in His Word.
That's what these daily readings are about—redirecting our thinking so we understand ourselves, our world, and our God accurately. They are designed to move us further along that path toward renewed minds and transformed lives.
Although the focus in these devotionals is biblical wisdom, the readings are not limited to what we normally consider the Bible's "wisdom literature"—Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs. These books are the core of biblical wisdom, but God's mind is found everywhere in the Scriptures. You will find that about half of these devotionals come from the wisdom books, and about half come from other parts of the Bible. In every case, however, the daily reading is meant to help you reflect on how your mind works.
As you read these wisdom devotionals, remember that the Word of God expresses the mind of God. His thoughts are available to us. Let these devotionals help you dig deeper into His revelation. Let His Spirit change your thinking. Most of all, let your mind be renewed and your life be transformed.
Sample Text
Guided by God
Ps 81:22-26
If my people would but listen to me,...how quickly would I subdue their enemies and turn my hand against their foes! Ps. 81:13-14
In Word The hardest aspect of the Christian life is to learn to submit to God in all things. His yoke is easy, but remembering to be bound by it is difficult. We worship Him for His goodness, we thank Him for His love, we pledge to be His disciples, and we ask Him for His wisdom. All the while, the nuts and bolts of following Him are hard to grasp. When it comes to making decisions, we still like our independence.
What is it about our independence that intrigues us? Why are we so captivated with our decision-making powers? Why, even when we know that a sense of autonomy is Satan's specialty and the root of our sin, do we insist on maintaining little pieces of it in various corners of our lives? Why, when God tells us one thing and our internal compulsions tell us another, do we often choose the compulsions? What does that say about our trust in God?
That's what the fall of man in the Garden of Eden was all about: mistrusting God and seeking our own interests. And that's still what sin is all about. When we choose our own will over God's, we're mistrusting Him and trusting ourselves. What an absurdity! We forget the most basic of all biblical teaching: God's will is in our best interest.
In Deed Are you convinced of that? The Christian life will be a struggle until we know deep down in our hearts that His commands—even the hard ones—are ultimately for our benefit. We can be sure that the best way to seek our own self-centered interests is to be entirely God-centered. In this paradox, godliness and the self-life meet. Or, as Jesus said, "Whoever loses his life will preserve it" (Luke 17:33). Our happiness is deeper and richer when we listen to Him.
In that sense, it is a self-fulfilling act to forsake our own will and submit to His. Submission seems so noble, but we have a lot at stake in it. When we serve Him, we serve ourselves. Believe that wholeheartedly, and see what happens.
"If God's will is your will and if He always has His way [with you], then you always have your way also." —Hannah Whitall Smith
Selected text from The One Year Walk with God Copyright (c) 2004 by Walk Thru the Bible. Used by Permission. All Rights Reserved.
About the Author(s)
Chris Tiegreen is a devotional writer and editor for indeed magazine at Walk Thru the Bible in Atlanta, Georgia. He has also been a missionary, pastor, journalist, photographer, and university instructor. He has helped plant churches in Michigan and Idaho, has been a pastor in Florida, and enjoys doing mission work in Thailand. His first Tyndale publication, At His Feet was a Gold Medallion finalist in the devotional category. He and his wife, Hannah, live in the Atlanta area.
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