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One Year Through the Bible Devotional
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One Year Through the Bible Devotional
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Cultivating the discipline to connect with God in a meaningful way can be difficult. Reading the Bible in a year can be a daunting task. But with The One Year Through the Bible Devotional, it is a very attainable goal. Why? Because The One Year through the Bible Devotional guides you through the Scriptures on a daily basis. Just read the daily scripture passage and devotional. You will read the Bible through within a year and understand it in a deeper, more personal way. Most importantly, you'll have an enriched Christian life because you'll have taken the time every day to seek God's guidance from his Word.
Sample Text
Genesis 3:1-6
Diets can be maddening because they make it so difficult to stick to your convictions. The plan looks great, with a limit on calories or grams of fat per day and a list of prohibited or acceptable edibles. But when offered a piece of pie, you give in to the temptation, forgetting your diet and your resolution to lose weight. This struggle is real. It's war.
This passage right at the beginning of the Bible tells all about the origin of the world, life, people, and work. It also covers husband-wife relationships. Closest to home, it explains how a perfect world went wrong and why human beings have struggled since then against all sorts of evil. It tells about temptation.
Read Genesis 1:1-3:24
Everyone struggles with temptation. We are tempted to lie, to cheat, to steal, and to indulge ourselves in countless ways that God has forbidden. We give in because of Satan (Genesis 3:1-6).Temptation is Satan's invitation to live his kind of life and give up on God's. Satan tempted Eve and succeeded in getting her to sin; soon after, Adam yielded to the pull of Satan's tempting offer. So sin entered the world, and every person since has been born a sinner. Today, Satan is busy trying to get us to give in to his temptations.
Eve and Adam could have resisted temptation by remembering what God had commanded them. We must realize that being tempted is not sin. We have not sinned until we give in to the temptation. To resist temptation, we must (1) pray for strength to resist (see Matthew 6:13),(2) say no when confronted with what we know is wrong (see James 4:7), and (3) run away from the temptation, sometimes literally (see Genesis 39:12).James 1:12 tells of the blessings and rewards for those who don't give in when tempted.
As you read about the tragic fall of our perfect ancestors, watch the progression of temptation and sin. Then determine to obey God rather than believe Satan's lies. Resist Satan and his temptations, and live.
Genesis 4:3-9
How do you react when someone suggests that you have done something wrong? Do you move to correct the mistake, or do you deny that you have a problem or need to do anything? What about when the critic is someone in your family?
This reading describes Adam and Eve's immediate family. It focuses mostly on Cain, the first son - his choices and what God thought of them. Don't read too fast or you will miss important details - but it's all there, including the most horrifying fact of all: Cain killed his brother,Abel. Our experiences today mirror what occurred between these two brothers, however horrifying, because theirs is the story of what can happen when anger and jealousy rule.
Tangles in the ties that bind - reacting to criticism, jealousy, sibling rivalry - all appear in this passage. The lessons bear remembering, so you'd better go slow.
Read Genesis 4:1-5:32
Cain's failures hinged on his reaction to God's rebuke (>Genesis 4:6-7).We don't know why God rejected Cain's sacrifice. But instead of listening to God, learning, and changing his ways, he reacted impulsively. Cain was wrong, yet he would not accept responsibility for or deal with it. He countered God's correction with anger and denial.
After Cain's sacrifice was rejected, God gave him the chance to right his wrong and try again. God even encouraged him to do so, but Cain proudly refused. The rest of Cain's life is a startling example of what happens to those who refuse to admit their mistakes. It also shows what happens when we blame others for our problems and allow anger to build.
As you read this passage, learn from Cain's mistakes. Then the next time someone suggests you are wrong, especially God, take an honest look at yourself, and make the necessary changes.
About the Author(s)
David R. Veerman - A graduate of Wheaton College (B.A.) and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (M.Div.), Dave has written sixty-five books, including Parenting Passages, How to Apply the Bible, Letting Them Go, One Year Through the Bible, and If I Knew Then What I Know Now. He also served as a senior editor of the Life Application Study Bible and Student's Life Application Study Bible. The father of two athletic daughters (Dana and Kara) and a founding partner of the Livingstone Corporation, Dave and his wife, Gail, have three granddaughters and one grandson, and live in Naperville, Illinois.
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