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N.T. Wright for Everyone Bible Study: 1 Corinthians

N.T. Wright for Everyone Bible Study: 1 Corinthians
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About this Series
The widely respected pastor and New Testament scholar, N. T. Wright, walks you book by book through the entire New Testament in this series. Perfect for group use or daily personal reflection, these studies use the popular inductive method combined with Wright's thoughtful insights to bring contemporary application of Scripture to life.
About this Volume
Christianity isn't a philosophy, a set of ideas. It isn't a path of spirituality or a rule of life. It isn't a political agenda. It includes and indeed gives energy to all those things, but at its very heart it is something different. It is good news about an event which has happened, an event because of which the world can never be the same again. And those who believe it and live by it will never be the same again either. This is Paul's message to the Corinthians--and to us today. These studies on 1 Corinthians guide us in leading, loving and worshiping differently as those being transformed by the resurrected Jesus.
This volume also available as part of a money-saving bundle.
- Includes suggestions for individual and group study (with leader's guide)
- Features the popular inductive Bible study method with notes and comments from a world-renowned New Testament scholar
- Designed specifically for lay people to facilitate contemporary application of Scripture
From the Preface
In the first century, Corinth was a lively seaport in Greece, not far from Athens. People and cultures of every sort jostled together, just like so many places in today's world. The young church there was as lively as the place itself, with as many questions and problems--as much joy and excitement--as any growing church today. Paul's pastoral sensitivity and deep insight come together to make this letter one of his crowning achievements, full of good things for us to ponder and enjoy today.
The city of Corinth had been destroyed by the Romans in and rebuilt by Julius Caesar in B.C. as a Roman colony. Since that time, about a hundred years before this letter was written, Corinth had prided itself on being a Roman city on Greek soil. It celebrated its Roman style of buildings, its Roman culture, its special links to the capital of a worldwide empire. It also prided itself on its intellectual life.
Most of the Christians in Corinth had not been Jews but ordinary "pagans." They had been Gentiles, believing in various gods and goddesses, but without any idea that history, the story of the world, was going anywhere, or that their own lives might be part of that forward movement. Again and again Paul wants them to learn this lesson: that they have been caught up into a great movement of the love and power of the one true God, the God of Israel, whose work for the whole world had now been unveiled through the events concerning his Son. That's why Jesus is at the center of the picture Paul paints.
That was the message Paul first brought to Corinth when he founded the church there in midcentury. But Paul hadn't been the only teacher they'd had in the city. Not long after he'd gone, a wonderful speaker, greatly learned in Scripture and able to explain it powerfully, had arrived. His name was Apollos, and he came from Alexandria in Egypt, where there was a strong Jewish community which included a great Jewish philosopher by the name of Philo Apollos met some of Paul's colleagues in Ephesus (see Ac 18:24-28) and later went to Corinth (see Ac 18:27-19:1). Paul wrote his letter to the Corinthians from Ephesus while Apollos was probably still in Corinth.
In the time since Paul left Corinth after founding the church there (see Ac 18:18), various problems and questions had arisen. So the church sent a delegation consisting of Stephanas, Fortunatus and Achaicus with a letter, asking Paul to respond and give his counsel. This he did, and the result is the letter we have in 1 Corinthians.
About the Author(s)
N. T. Wright, formerly bishop of Durham in England, is research professor of New Testament and early Christianity at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. He was formerly canon theologian of Westminster Abbey and dean of Lichfield Cathedral. He also taught New Testament studies for twenty years at Cambridge, McGill and Oxford Universities. Wright's full-scale works The New Testament and the People of God, Jesus and the Victory of God and The Resurrection of the Son of God are part of a projected six-volume series titled Christian Origins and the Question of God. Among his many other published works are Surprised by Hope and Simply Christian.
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Installed size (unless otherwise indicated): Approximately 122.625 KB. iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch Requires iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad running latest version of iOS. Download size: 122.625 KB. Android Requires Android OS 4.4 or later. Download size: 122.625 KB. Windows Phone Requires Windows Phone 7.5 or later. Download size: 122.625 KB. Windows Store Requires Windows 8, 10, 11 or later. Download size: 122.625 KB. Windows Desktop Requires Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7, 8, 10, 11 or later. Download size: 1.875 MB. Mac OS Requires macOS 10.13 or later. Download size: 122.625 KB.
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