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Bible Reader's Companion

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Bible Reader's Companion


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The Bible Reader's Companion offers new understanding and insight as you read the Bible. You'll enjoy a one-page overview for each chapter of the Bible, with key verse and suggested personal application. Also features key doctrines or themes, cross-references to other parts of Scripture, archaeological findings, maps and explanation of difficult passages. Clear language and an easy-to-follow format helps you grasp key insights quickly and memorably.

"Larry Richards has the gift of mining the Scriptures, finding the richest treasures, and minting them for us to use. Beginning Bible students as well as veterans cannot help but be enriched as they use this book. You can trust what Larry Richards writes about the Word, and you can put it into practical use." --Warren W. Wiersbe, Author/Conference speaker

"If you were to read through the Bible in a year with The Bible Reader's Companion at your side, you'd have a whole new and exciting grasp of the Word of God--and you'd have truth to live by each day. I cannot wait to begin...reading through the Bible with this book." --Kay Arthur, Precept Ministries


Ever wish you had a quick-reference guide when you come across a puzzling phrase in your Bible reading? If so, Bible Reader's Companion is just what you're looking for! Here are just a few of the helpful features you'll find in this book:

  • Introduction and outline for each book of the Bible
  • Summary of each chapter's message and meaning
  • Key verses in each chapter
  • Cross-references to related Bible passages
  • Definitions and explanations of Bible terms
  • Archaelogical discoveries and Bible Time customs
  • Maps, charts and illustrations

Keep it open in PocketBible with your favorite Bible translation to increase your enjoyment, appreciation, and understanding of Scripture.

Sample Text

Luke 24 - Passion

Chapter Summary

Luke's account of the Resurrection is more than an account of events. It interprets those events in the light of Old Testament teachings about the Messiah (24:6-7, 19-27), and in view of Christ's own statement of His mission (v. 45-47). Luke's account closes not with the Resurrection but the Ascension and reminds us that the risen Christ is to be worshiped (v. 50-53). The Resurrection is in fact God's seal on the promise of salvation.

So Luke tells us about women who visited the tomb (v. 1-11) and the curiosity that brought Peter to peer into the empty crypt (v. 12). Luke tells us about two disciples Jesus walked with along the road to Emmaus, explaining the Scriptures that spoke of the Messiah (v. 13-29). Luke reports their excitement when they finally recognized Jesus and rushed back to tell Jesus' followers in Jerusalem (v. 30-35). Finally, Luke tells of His appearance to His still confused disciples and of opening their minds so at last they understood the meaning of His life and death (v. 36-49). And Luke concludes with a reminder of who Jesus is: exalted in heaven, God, worthy ever of our worship, the source of our joy (v. 50-52).

Key verse. 24:46-47: Written, and now accomplished.

Personal application. Don't be slow of heart to trust or to worship the risen Saviour.

Key concepts. Angels. Resurrection (1). Resurrection (2). Resurrection (3). Death of Christ. Messiah.


He told you (24:9) The angels reminded the women of something each Gospel writer emphasizes. Jesus told His disciples ahead of time that He would die and come to life again (cf. Lk 9:22, 44-45; 18:31-34). It's not surprising they did not grasp the significance of what Christ was saying.

Now they remember. But still do not understand.

Wondering what had happened (24:12). Luke's description of the puzzlement and despair (cf. 24:21) that crushed Jesus' disciples makes utterly clear the foolishness of the rumor started by the Jewish leaders, that the disciples had stolen the corpse. The death of Jesus meant an end to all their hopes. They were in no mad state of mind to honor their dead leader by pretending He had been raised.

Foolish (24:25). The word Jesus used of the two on the Emmaus road is anoetos. In five of its six N.T. occurrences it is used of believers. Unlike the "fool" of the O.T., whose problem is moral, this word describes an individual who sees things from a distorted perspective. He or she has not adopted the divine viewpoint.

Jesus then proceeded to display the divine viewpoint on His own death by going back to the O.T. Scriptures, to demonstrate that the Messiah "had to" suffer such things and only then enter His glory.

It's not enough to have correct information. We must be able to interpret it correctly. The N.T. writers' use of the O.T. is rooted in the post-resurrection instruction Jesus gave concerning the real meaning of O.T. texts (cf. 24:44).

It is true (24:34). Belief in a literal, physical resurrection of Jesus is supported by three lines of evidence. There is the evidence of fulfilled prophecy. There is the evidence of eyewitness testimony. And there is the evidence of millions of lives transformed by faith in Him over the span of some two millennia.

Like Him (Lk 24:36ff). 1 John 3:2 tells us that when Jesus returns we will be "like Him."This Lucan passage tells us much about the resurrection body. It is real, made of flesh and bones (v. 39). It resembles the ordinary body, as Jesus' form still bore the scars of the cross (v. 39). It is capable of eating (v. 41). It is not limited by space: Jesus suddenly appeared among them in what another Gospel says was a closed and locked room (v. 36). We do not know the wonders that await us. But there are wonders indeed.

About the Author(s)

Lawrence O. Richards hold a B.A. in philosophy from the University of Michigan, a Th.M. in Christian education from Dallas Theological Seminary, and a Ph.D. in religious education and social psychology from Garrett Biblical Seminary and Northwestern University jointly.

Dr. Larry Richards has taught in the Wheaton College Graduate School, served as a church minister of Christian education, and taught courses at carious schools in the United States and overseas. He has developed Sunday school programs, conducted seminars and workshops, and Internet curriculum for Sunday school and home school.

He has written over 200 books, including Christian education texts, theological works, Bible dictionaries, handbooks, encyclopedias, and commentaries; he has also written a number of devotional and enrichment books, as well as several specialty and study bibles.

System Requirements

Installed size (unless otherwise indicated): Approximately 34.875 MB. iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch Requires iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad running latest version of iOS. Download size: 34.875 MB. Android Requires Android OS 4.4 or later. Download size: 34.875 MB. Windows Phone Requires Windows Phone 7.5 or later. Download size: 34.875 MB. Windows Store Requires Windows 8, 10, 11 or later. Download size: 34.875 MB. Windows Desktop Requires Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7, 8, 10, 11 or later. Download size: 9.125 MB. Mac OS Requires macOS 10.13 or later. Download size: 34.875 MB.

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